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Advanced Custom Fields Flexible Content Addon v2.1.0 Original price was: 4.99$.Current price is: 2.99$.
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Advanced Custom Fields Options Page Addon v2.1.0 Original price was: 4.99$.Current price is: 2.99$.

Advanced Custom Fields Repeater Field Addon v2.1.0

Original price was: 4.99$.Current price is: 2.99$.

SKU: 8 7 5 1 10 Category:

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The Advanced Custom Fields Repeater Field Addon allows you to create a set of sub fields which can be repeated again and again whilst editing content!

  • 1 Year Free Update.
  • Unlimited Domain Usage
  • Update Notifications On Email
  • Quick help through Email
  • Original GPL Product From the Developer


  • Sub Fields
    Defines the set of repeatable sub fields.
  • Collapsed
    Enables each row to be collapsed by specifying a single sub field to display.
  • Minimum Rows
    Sets a limit on how many rows of data are required.
  • Maximum Rows
    Sets a limit on how many rows of data are allowed.
  • Layout
    Defines the layout style of the appearance of the sub fields.
    Table: Sub fields are displayed in a table. Labels will appear in the table header.
    Block: Sub fields are displayed in blocks, one after the other.
    Row: Sub fields are displayed in a two column table. Labels will appear in the first column.
  • Button Label
    The text shown in the ‘Add Row’ button.

Template usage

The Repeater field will return an array of rows, where each row is an array containing sub field values.

For the best developer experience, we created some extra functions specifically for looping over rows and accessing sub field values. These are the have_rowsthe_rowget_sub_field, and the_sub_field functions.


Basic loop

This example demonstrates how to loop through a Repeater field and load a sub field value.


// Check rows exists.
if( have_rows('repeater_field_name') ):

    // Loop through rows.
    while( have_rows('repeater_field_name') ) : the_row();

        // Load sub field value.
        $sub_value = get_sub_field('sub_field');
        // Do something...

    // End loop.

// No value.
else :
    // Do something...

Display a slider

This example demonstrates how to loop through a Repeater field and generate the HTML for a basic image slider.

<?php if( have_rows('slides') ): ?>
    <ul class="slides">
    <?php while( have_rows('slides') ): the_row(); 
        $image = get_sub_field('image');
            <?php echo wp_get_attachment_image( $image, 'full' ); ?>
            <p><?php the_sub_field('caption'); ?></p>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Foreach Loop

This example demonstrates how you can manually loop over a Repeater field value using a foreach loop.

$rows = get_field('repeater_field_name');
if( $rows ) {
    echo '<ul class="slides">';
    foreach( $rows as $row ) {
        $image = $row['image'];
        echo '<li>';
            echo wp_get_attachment_image( $image, 'full' );
            echo wpautop( $row['caption'] );
        echo '</li>';
    echo '</ul>';

Nested loops

This example demonstrates how to loop through a nested Repeater field and load a sub-sub field value.

 * Field Structure:
 * - parent_repeater (Repeater)
 *   - parent_title (Text)
 *   - child_repeater (Repeater)
 *     - child_title (Text)
if( have_rows('parent_repeater') ):
    while( have_rows('parent_repeater') ) : the_row();

        // Get parent value.
        $parent_title = get_sub_field('parent_title');

        // Loop over sub repeater rows.
        if( have_rows('child_repeater') ):
            while( have_rows('child_repeater') ) : the_row();

                // Get sub value.
                $child_title = get_sub_field('child_title');


Accesing first row values

This example demonstrates how to load a sub field value from the first row of a Repeater field.

$rows = get_field('repeater_field_name' );
if( $rows ) {
    $first_row = $rows[0];
    $first_row_title = $first_row['title'];
    // Do something...

You may also use the break statement within a have_rows() loop to step out at any time.

if( have_rows('repeater_field_name') ) {
    while( have_rows('repeater_field_name') ) {
        $first_row_title = get_sub_field('title');
        // Do something...

Accesing random row values

This example demonstrates how to load a sub field value from a random row of a Repeater field.

$rows = get_field('repeater_field_name' );
if( $rows ) {
    $index = array_rand( $rows );
    $rand_row = $rows[ $index ];
    $rand_row_title = $rand_row['title'];
    // Do something...


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